New Zealand voted in favor to make euthanasia legal starting in 2021. According to reports from the BBC, preliminary results show 65.2 percent of people backed the controversial End of Life Choice Act, which was passed in 2019. It will allow assisted deaths for patients with terminal illnesses with six months or fewer to live, subject to doctor approval. CNN reported that an estimated 2.4 million people took part in the poll on October 17. The full results will be published on November 6 as the outcome does not include 480,000 special or overseas votes. Lawmakers initially voted 69-51 in favor of the euthanasia law, sending the issue to a national referendum following the decision. The result will lead to euthanasia becoming legalized from November of next year. New Zealand will then join Canada, The Netherlands and Switzerland as one of few countries where the procedure is legal. Click here to continue and read more...

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